It’s so easy to start projects.
But it’s hard to finish.
This is the most important component that is separating you from the other artists out there.
There’s so much talent in the internet.
But if you don’t finish, then you aren’t serious.
But i’m serious, the times I’ve not been taken seriously is when I showed someone a half finished product.
Imagine you are at the grocery store and you try to purchase a gallon of milk with no label, and it’s only 2/3 full.
This isn’t supposed to make you feel bad. But maybe it’s time to step it up.
- Finish it.
- Complete it.
Does it suck?
9/10 your project sucks. Your idea may be bad.
but the more projects you finish, the more likely you are to make something golden.
and hey, i’m just preaching to the choir.
I have so many projects that I’ve started that I have not finished.
My advice? Don’t do too many things at once.
Pick a project to finish. If you don’t like where it’s ending up, that’s OKAY. Just finish it, and stop working on it.
Things I haven’t finished?
- Songs
- Writing
- YouTube Videos
- Projects
But things I have finished
- Songs
- Writing
- YouTube Videos
- Projects
These first youtube videos that i made were crap. But they’ve gotten better haven’t they?
haven’t they?
And that’s why. You should subscribe.
Because if you are a finisher, then you can be someone worth subscribing to.
If you’d like to check out other videos, that I’ve finished, check out this one and this one.
But be sure to click right here to subscribe. It would mean a lot.