I like to be able to help people. When I learn something, I want to share it with other people. Ask anyone I work with, I have a tendency to share extensively about anything that I’m currently learning about (almost to my detriment sometimes).
How I Used to Be
Early on, before I gained some real-world experience, I would just share things that I learned on YouTube or heard from other people.
Looking back, I had a tendency to talk people’s ears off about something I had no business claiming that I “knew”. The biggest thing that comes to mind was any fitness advice I’d give or discuss. I thought that “HIIT is going to be the thing that makes me lose weight” or “I’m trying this workout split because it’s PROVEN to lose weight”. It got even more extreme over time, as I started realizing that the fads I was trying weren’t actually giving me exceptional results. “Trying” Keto, water fasting, or using BCAA’s… I didn’t know anything about these things. But I acted as if I did.
Experience and Knowledge
It was not til I got older and wiser that I realized having the EXPERIENCE was necessary. Speaking to things that I KNOW should mean that I’ve experienced them or witnessed firsthand that they work.
THESE are the things I want to share on my platforms. There are still so many things I have to learn about the world, but the things I have learned successfully I want to share with other people so that I can save you the time and energy of having to figure them out as I did.
What I’ve Learned
Going back to the fitness example, over the past year I have lost 35 pounds of weight. This is the FIRST time in my life I have finally successfully met a weight loss fitness goal that I had aimed toward. On top of that, most of it is fat, and my proof of this is my ability to still lift close to the same weights I did before the transformation.
This is just one example of things that I have learned along my journey. There are so many things I want to share, and I plan to do that consistently on this platform first and then plan on spreading it to even more platforms as I have the ability.
How I’m Providing Value
I plan to write about things in my life that are making me successful. I’ve already written one article that you can read here: I Cleaned up My Email - Gmail Zero Inbox. This is just an example of the things that I will provide I believe have provided value in my life and will provide value in yours.
In the future, I plan on talking about the following topics deeper:
- Notion, the greatest program I discovered last year.
- How to Live with Fewer Distractions
- Why I Believe Apple products are better for most people
- Best ways to Develop Skills that I’ve found
Please consider subscribing if you haven’t because I plan on releasing content consistently this year through email and through this website.
If you made it this far, thanks so much! If you found this helpful, consider following us on YouTube, Social Media, or joining the emailing list. Check me out at for all kinds of articles that will help you with tech, music, productivity, and more!
Seeya tomorrow,
Malachi Corliss